【持续更新中】Final Year Student Syndrome (FYSS) Act 1: The famous quote (大学经典语录)
Last update: 21 November 2009
63.“你是属毛的” (刘伟强,2010)
64.“In final year, one of the saddest thing is : we want to go class, but we got no classes to go anymore. ”(ah bear, 2010) -ah bear 在2010年感慨 final year 学生太“空闲”而发出的感言。这也充分显示出 ah bear 勤劳(还是晒命)的美德。。。。
65.“睡迟了一个小时半!!!”(melvin, 2010)
mel哥在迟醒了一个小时半后懊恼地大喊,此句需配合躺在床上紧闭着眼双手用力的猛槌床褥,语气须表现出 missed class 后不甘心但又不想起床的心情。
"The minute you settle for less than you deserve, you get even less than you settled for." Maureen Dowd Andy Rooney (Born in 1919); American Journalist.
"The purpose of human life is to serve and to show compassion and the will to help others." Albert Schweitzer (Born in 1875); Humanitarian and Theologian.
"Excuses are tools with which persons with no purpose in view build for themselves great monuments for nothing." Steven Grayhm (Born in 1981); Canada Actor.
"Happiness? That's nothing more than a good health and a poor memory." Albert Schweitzer (Born in 1875); Humanitarian and Theologian.
"I just outsmarted myself. It was an easy word. I just made a stupid mistake." Samir Patel (Born in 1994) American Spelling Bee Winner.
"Which part should I laugh?" Marcus C.H.Chan (Born in 1986); Schlumberger Engineer.
"Is this a joke or a statement?" Marcus C.H.Chan (Born in 1986); Schlumberger Engineer.
"我-就-是-不-相-信-!" Marcus C.H.Chan (Born in 1986); Schlumberger Engineer.