Friday, May 30, 2008

A Journey to the Past

Well, past in the sense of a semester back. Hopefully this post serves as a memory down the lane.

Looks like it has been 6 months since our clan is established. Thank goodness no blood was shed, no tears were flowing but there was plenty of wood flying around, well of course this clan is signified mainly by wood and wood people like kian, erm, a useless wood, of course, who enjoys his daily doses of nasi lemak to increase his uselessness even further. (chill...........) Btw, 100 bucks should be donated to our dear clan leader so that "heshe" can purchase his favourite nasi lemak.

Like fei yi ching said, we are not gonna miss our dear leader, though he might be leaving for good. Anyways, good luck to him and may some penang chicks fall into err, his pants or knees. I think Penang has some decent chicks, much better ones than you-know-what. So enjoy your 齐人之福over there will ya.

I still havent touch anything about the semester that we have gone through. That's ABOMINABLE, MIND-BLOWING. For starters, this semester was &*^*&^*&^ tough especially for meche students. There were many pasrah cases, notably the amount of projects(Can you imagine 7-8 projects in one semester?) and heat transfer and the WELLLLLLLLLLLL by our beloved you-know-who. I would say the latter two were exceptionally difficult transition periods for us, as we were not used to the foreign style of lecturing.

This semester could not be worse by the lack of hot chicks. Muahahahaha. Just kidding. Too many OLD stuffs over here but old ginger is still more pedas I think. Incident of the semester would be given to our beloved well x 3 guy, ling zhong yie. He hurt his knee(is that technically accurate?) while playing basketball. An old guy like him should go kopitiam and lim teh only. ^_^. Well, kudos to him, for persevering with this condition even though it was during the exam weeks.

Couple of the semester? Let's just leave that to Mr KK I think. He knows more about that. Food is never a problem to you , KK, isnt it? Joke of the semester, well plenty of them, Mr President might have an archive for it. Footage of the semester? The Internal Affairs which is under circulation from Fei Yi Ching. Quote of the semester? Just watch the recent parliementary videos.

Overall, this semester was definetely a tough nut to crack and might have cause us to go nuts as well. To start off the holidays of you folks, I suggest watching superhero movie. Absolute nonsense but should keep your toes on your head.

再见 Bye....

小明 :妈妈我被小华的家人打 T_T
小明 :我也不知道。。。小华今天带我到他家去看他的鸡。然后临走前,我跟所有的鸡说再见,他们就打我
妈妈 :你如何跟鸡说再见???
小明 :我只是说 - 老鸡Bye,母鸡Bye,公鸡Bye,大鸡Bye,小鸡Bye,全部鸡Bye.....
妈妈 :。。。。

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Semester Dinner for FEI

As suggest by many member of FEI, we really need a semester dinner together before the semester break. This dinner will also be the good bye dinner for our YAB Fahrenheit because he is going intern d. (We will not miss u) hahahah. So any suggestion ??

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Final exam

EXAM = E for elephant, X for X-men, A for Apple, and M for Motherboard

How about holiday?

H= Holy Shit!!
O=Oh my god!!
L=Lets Do it!!(can you imagine wat ya wana do?
I=Ice ice baby..
D=Damn it!!
Y=Yes, yes...i did it...

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


祈求世界能够灾难消除 ,人类和平幸福的在这片土地上生活下去。。。

废材大联盟全体 同哀悼

Tuesday, May 13, 2008






起 羽毛扇问刘备:“当年周武王战败纣王的那场战役是?”刘备一想简单,回答:“牧野之战。”诸葛亮点点头,于是刘备拿了个伞包下去了。诸葛亮再问孙权:“那 场战役死了多少人?”孙权想了想说:“大概有三四万。”诸葛亮点点头,孙权拿了个伞包也下去了。曹*不禁偷笑想:“诸葛亮呀诸葛亮,本人可是贯古通今,尤 其是军事,这次你可是栽了。” 只见诸葛亮问:“战士们都叫什么名字?”曹*一听差点没晕过去,只好自己跳下去了,没想到竟然又跳在了海里,捡回一条命,曹*暗自笑。



拉登说:中国是全球唯一绝对不能惹的国家!阿拉伯半岛电视台对宾拉登的最新采访。 宾拉登说:中国是全球唯一绝对不能惹的国家! 原因是这样的:基地组织曾派出七名恐怖分子袭击中国。 结果:一人在炸北京西直门立交桥时转晕桥上﹔ 一人在炸公车时没挤上车﹔ 一人在炸超市时,炸弹遥控器被盗﹔ 一人在炸政府大楼时被保安狂揍:"叫你讨薪,叫你上访", 一人成功地炸矿,死伤数百人,潜回基地后,半年没见任何新闻报导,遂被基地组织以"撒谎罪"处决了﹔ 一人曾经尝试炸广州,痕G刚一出火车站炸药包就给飞车党抢了,半天没回过神﹔ 最近,派一女恐怖分子去炸河南,被骗去做了媳妇!!










一次逛街时突然觉得肚子很痛,于是走进街角的199吃到饱火锅店,想说借个厕所用用,偏偏找遍了一楼就是找不到,于是我跑到二楼去,二楼是还在装修空荡荡 的没有任何东西,但是却发现有一间厕所门贴着*故障待修,请勿使用*,我实在是忍不住了,管他三七二十一,反正四下无人,脱了裤子就朝马桶蹲下去,霹雳啪 啦……好爽!!结束后,我走下楼去却发现空无一人,奇怪了,正值晚餐时间刚才楼下还高朋满座说,怎么一下子就人去楼空呢??连服务生和接待都不见了……于 是我走近吧台,并且问到:「有人在吗?怎么都没人了?」此时,只见一个男服务生从吧台下钻出来,并且开口说:「*!……刚才大便从天花板掉下来打到电风扇 的时候你不在?算你运气好

Monday, May 12, 2008

Study 18

Study 18

Shall I compare thee to a study week?
Thou art more lazy and more tempting:
Rough winds do flip the darling books for me,
And study week had all too short a date:
Sometime too sleepy the eye of mine shines,
And often is my tired complexion dimm'd;
And every hair from hair sometime declines,
By chance or nature's changing course unknown;
But why eternal study shall not fade?
Nor lose possession of that hair i own?
Nor shall Death brag me wander'st in his shade?
When in eternal study no time shall be wasted:
So long as i can breathe or eyes can read,
So long study this and this gives life to me.

- William Fei Speare

Friday, May 9, 2008

Princess Melt

Once upon a time there lived a king.
The king had a beautiful daughter,

But there was a problem. Everything the princess touched would melt.

No matter what;




Anything she touched would melt.

Because of this, men were afraid of her. Nobody would dare marry her.

The king despaired. What could he do to help his daughter?

He consulted his wizards and magicians. One wizard told the king, 'If your daughter touches one thing that does not melt in her hands, she will be cured.'

The king was overjoyed and came up with a plan
next day, he held a competition. Any man that could bring his daughter an object that would not melt would marry her and inherit the king's wealth.


The first brought a sword of the finest steel.

But alas, when the princess touched it, it melted, and t
he prince went away sadly .

The second prince brought diamonds.

He thought diamonds are the hardest substance in the world and would not melt. But alas, once the princess touched them, they melted. He too was sent away disappointed.


The third prince approached. He told the princess,

'Put your hand in my pocket and feel what is in there.'

The princess did as she was told, though she turned red.

She felt something hard. She held it in her hand.

And it did not melt!!!

The king was overjoyed. Everybody in the kingdom was overjoyed. And the third prince married the princess and they both lived happily ever after.

Question: What was in the prince's pants?

(Scroll down for the answer)



M&M's of course.
They melt in your mouth, not in your hand.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Maxis the best coverage

This is a true story of a young college girl who past away last month,at Shah Alam. Her name is Priya. She was hit by a lorry. I don't want to mention the name of the college. She has a boy friend named Shankar. He stays in Johor Bahru. Both of them are true lovers. They always hang on thephone.U can never see her without herhandphone. She spends 3/4 of the day talking with Shankar. Both of them used maxis.

Priya's family knows about their relationship. Shankar is very close with Priya's family. Before she passed away she always told her frens:"If I pass away please burn me with my handphone" She also said the same thing to her parents. After her death, people can't carryher coffin. I was there. A lot of them tried to do so but still cant. Everybody including me, had tried to carry the coffin, the result is still the same. Eventually, they called their neighbour, a "bomoh" from thailand (pakDarin), who is a fren of her father. He took a sit and started speaking to himself slowly. After a few minutes, he said "this girl misses something here". Then her frens told Darin bout her intentions to burn her with her phone. He then opened thecoffin and places her phone and SIM card inside the casket. After that they tried to carry the coffin. It could be moved and they carried it into the van easily. All of us were shocked (can u feel the fear. i'm shaking at this moment).

Priya's parents didn't inform Shankarthat Priya had passed away (pityShankar). After 2 weeks Shankar called Priya's mom. Shankar said: "Atte, I'm coming home 2day. Cook something nice for me. Don't tell Priya that i'm coming home 2day. I wanna surprise her."Her mother replied....."U come homefirst, I wanna tell u something very
important." After he came to Shah Alam, they told him the truth about Priya. Shankarthought that they were playing a fool. Then they show him the original deathcertificate to him. He said:"It's not true. We spoke yesterday. She still calls me."Shankar was shaking.

Suddenly, Shakar's phone rang."See this is from Priya. See this..."He showed the phone to priya's family. All of them told him to answer. He talked using the loudspeaker mode. All of them heard his conversationloud and clear. No cross lines, nohumming. It is the actual voice ofPriya & there is no way others could use her sim card since it is nailed inside the coffin.

They were so shocked and asked for pakDarin's help again. pak Darinbrought his master (Tok Chen) to solvethis matter. He & Darin worked for 5 hours. Than they discovered one thing... Tok Chen was sweating. His face wasred."I just cant believe this. It's quite amazing" he said."I didn't think that this could actually happen. Unbelievable!"Oh My God! Maxis has the best line,ever.We can still keep in touch even whenwe're dead!! Talk about coverage!!!Best coverage ever!!! Where can i get the SIMpack?

Moral of the story - Maxis is the best lar.

ETeMS repealed? Let Leonidas tell you why.

Recently, it was rumoured that ETeMS (English for Teaching Mathematics and Science) in Malaysia will be repealed in 2009.

Regardless of whether it is true or else, many people want ETeMS to be repealed.

Why is that so?

Because ...

So, for those who support ETeMS, the consequence might be ...

When Dr. M was a Prime Minister

When Dr. Mahathir was Prime Minister of Malaysia

One lousy day in the middle of the economic crisis,
PM Mahathir was feeling
extremely frustrated and wondering how a neighboring
country can be doing
better than Malaysia. One of his aides said, I heard
that the leaders consult
Feng Shui masters to ensure prosperity for the
country. Dr Mahathir thought
if that was the case, Malaysia Bomoh also can, and
went to seek the top
bomoh's advice in the country.

After reviewing the case, the bomoh told Dr M that
there were 2 things that
he must do :

Bomoh : Step 1. You must blame the crisis on SOROS
for everything.
Dr M : But Why ?

Bomoh: Because SOROS stands for 'Speculate On
Ringgit Or Stocks'.
You must blame him, and look at ways to control the
ringgit and stock market.

Bomoh : Step 2 - You must get rid of ANWAR.
Dr M: What! why him ?

Bomoh: Because ANWAR stands for 'A Nation Without
Any Ringgit'.
Dr M: But how ? This is most difficult to do, he is
popular with the people.

Bomoh : Aiyoh, you bodoh lah! Look at your name,
Make Anwar Homosexual And Then Highlight It

The Story of Ah Beng


Ah Beng bought a new mobile.
He sent a message to everyone from his Phone Book & said,
"My Mobile No. Has changed.
Earlier it was Nokia 3310. Now it is 6610"

Ah Beng : I am a Proud, coz my son is in Medical College.
Friend: Really, what is he studying.
Ah Beng: No, he is not studying, they are Studying him.

Ah Beng : Doctor, in my dreams, I play football every night.
DR: Take this tablet, you will be ok.
Ah Beng : Can I take tomorrow, tonight is final game.

Ah Beng : If I die, will u remarry?
Wife: No! I'll stay with my sister. But if I die will u remarry?
Ah Beng : No, I'll also stay with your sister.

Ah Beng : People consider me as a "GOD"
Wife: How do you know??
Ah Beng : When I went to the Park today, everybody said,
Oh GOD! U have come again.

Ah Beng complained to the police: "Sir, all items are missing,
except the TV in my house."
Police: "How the thief did not take TV?"
Ah Beng : "I was watching TV news..."

Ah Beng comes back 2 his car & find a note saying "Parking Fine"
He Writes a note and sticks it to a pole "Thanks for complement."

How do you recognize Ah Beng in School?
He is the one who erases the notes from the book when the teacher erases
the board.

Once Ah Beng was walking he had a glove on one hand and not on other.
So the man asked him why he did so. He replied that the weather forecast
announced that on one hand it would be cold and on the other hand it would
be hot.

Ah Beng in a bar and his cellular phone rings. He picks it up and
Says "Hello, how did you know I was here?"

Ah Beng : Why are all these people running?
Man - This is a race, the winner will get the cup
Ah Beng - If only the winner will get the cup, why others running?

Teacher: "I killed a person" convert this sentence into future tense
Ah Beng : The future tense is "u will go to jail"

Ah Beng told his servant: "Go and water the plants!"
Servant: "It's already raining."
Ah Beng : "So what? Take an umbrella and go."

A man asked Ah Beng why Ahmad Badawi goes walking in the Evening and not
in the morning Ah Beng replied Ahmad Badawi is PM not AM


Sunday, May 4, 2008

PCK (Phua Chu Kang) teach sex

Chu Kang ( PCK ) explaining sex to Chu Beng's son, Aloysius

Aloy : Why is making love so enjoyable ?

PCK : Aiyah, ah boy, enjolable becaws, same like when you dig your
nose with your finger mah !

Aloy : Do you think women enjoy sex more than men ?

PCK : Of course woman lah ! When you dig dig your nose, your nose
feel better than your finger, right ?

Aloy : Why do women hate it when they get raped ?

PCK : Ai-yah ! Say, you walk along the load, den someone come over
and dig your nose, you like or not ? Ehhh ? Don't pray pray ah !

Aloy : Why is it a woman cannot have sex when she is having her

PCK : Oy !! If your nose bleeding, you still go and dig meh?? Siow
ah ! Use your blain, use your blainnn ..........

Aloy : Why is it most men don't like wearing condoms when they are
making love ?

PCK : Ehhhh, when you dig your nose ah, you like to dig with a
glove on your finger or not ? Not the same shiok feeling mah.
Corlight or not?

Aloy : Why is making love carried out in private ?

PCK : Ah boyyyyy, use your blain, use your blainnnnn .............................. you
go and dig your nose in flont of your whole class izit ?? Stupid

Aloy : Wah ...... Uncle Chu Kang, you are very good.

PCK : Aiyah ....... ,' Best in Singapore , JB, some say Batam, and now, the whole world!'
also ah!!!