【持续更新中】Final Year Student Syndrome (FYSS) Act 1: The famous quote (大学经典语录)
64.“In final year, one of the saddest thing is : we want to go class, but we got no classes to go anymore. ”(ah bear, 2010)
-ah bear 在2010年感慨 final year 学生太“空闲”而发出的感言。这也充分显示出 ah bear 勤劳(还是晒命)的美德。。。。
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Thursday, July 17, 2008
credit to audience of Malaysia Kini, what a Fei explanation of what is happening...light and meaningful, well done.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
You can now VOTE!!!!!!!

He's quite famous for his infectious laugh (It can be heard even if you are 10-20 feet away, not an exaggeration) and of course his smile which often melts a girl's heart(wahahaha). Anyway, I knew this good man wayyyy back when we were undergoing the national service training at a camp in Cherating. Knew him on the first day itself and his trademark smile radiates warmth and makes me feel at home even at such a distant place away from my home.
This is Xi Yi, always a happy-go-lucky guy, and well loved by everybody. He might be back today and rest assure that we will have lots of surprises awaiting for him(air campur tepung, telor, milo, sirap dan sebagainya). Have a great day, again!
(this article is courtesy of http://myjuly05.blogspot.com/)
Happy Birthday to Xi Yi
Whoever wishes to wish him, can post their wishes as comments for this post.
Thank you.
Monday, July 14, 2008
begini citenye(dalam perkataan omputih)
things do not go as I wish to, more often than not, and I fear that I have been punished for trying to put justice in front of anything else. If I were to have someone whom I feel should be despicable, that person would be the one who is unjust, discriminatory, and ultimately, doing things with ulterior motives in mind. The (censored) thingy I mentioned previously clearly demonstrate the former two, but the latter does play a signicant role in (censored) too.
I think the (censored) thing should be put aside, for I am afraid that those jokers may start to scratch their buttocks and use their hardened nipples to attack me. Make no mistake, I do learn a lot from (censored) and if you were to ask me if I ever regretted joining it, I would say no. Getting three interviews before becoming one of their goons is seriously a mockery to your manhood, and I do not want to be mocked further by granting them a refusal. (the first one due to unjust/discrimination, the second one is due to something blatantly unprofessional, which somes of the jokers up there claim themselves to be otherwise)
Okay, stop talking about (censored). In a nutshell, (censored) still rocks despite some shortcomings. In the end, every one worked hard towards achieving a target and that is just a massive morale boost. I would say it was one hell of a gig for me and would like to extent my thanks to them as well, for the lessons that prove valuable.
berakhirla cite nih..............
Sunday, July 13, 2008
The SpongeBob Square Pain Mystery

And this is a Big NO NO, i can guarantee u to come out as a bee hive.....even i see this i also wanna tembak whoever is wearing it! ......

At last, I still cannot defeat the criminal, he is too strong to be defeated by me alone. He is so Fei , more more much more more Fei'er than me, see, he is finishing off my snacks, surrender, surrender, please spare my life.......i have kids......or might have kids someday.......

Saturday, July 12, 2008
Friday, July 11, 2008
This is FEISM!!!
A :讲心不讲金
B :讲金不讲心
A :like u meh
B :i memang 讲心&讲金 ,more 金 more 心
A :no...if in a dilemma, 1 side is gold 1 side is liang xin,
B :i will grab the liang xin and jump to the gold side
A :no.in the dilemma liang xin and gold reple each other
B :so i will have plenty of gold and a liang xin
A :repel
B :like that ah,i will take liang xin,made of gold one,jin liang xin,wakakakaka
A :if liang xin is make of gole(gold),means 冷冰冰ady,where got the soul of liang ixn
B :what is soul?
A:can make out of gold one?
B:i wan golden soul
A:haha,have to use golden compas
A:swt wat,this is feinism
B:it's Feism
u knw wat is this?
Monday, July 7, 2008
Operator : Yes, you can speak to me.
Caller: No, I want to speak to Annie Wan!
Operator: You are talking to someone! Who is this?
Caller: I'm Sam Wan (someone) And I need to talk to Annie Wan! It's urgent.
Operator: I know you are someone and you want to talk to anyone! But what's this urgent matter about ?
Caller: Well... just tell my sister Annie Wan that our brother Noel Wan (no one) was involved in an accident. Noel Wan got injured and now Noel Wan is being sent to the hospital. Right now, Avery Wan is on his way to the hospital.
Operator: Look if no one was injured and no one was sent to the hospital, then the accident isn't an urgent matter! You may find this hilarious but I don't have time for this!
Caller: You are so rude! Who are you?
Operator: I'm Saw Lee. (sorry)
Caller: Yes! You should be sorry. Now give me your name!!
Friday, July 4, 2008
as a reference , this link has some nice looking template available for free, have a look
Once nomination is made, we shall discuss and eventually change the template
thank you
"Long live President Fahrenheit!"
Yang Berkhidmat
Lead Programmer of FEI
YAB Fei Chai
p/s: YAB= Yang Amat Berusaha
Sorry and welcome to the new look and feel
This time, this template is customize, I mean you seldom see it somewhere else.....hehehe....our blog is Rock'in !!! Yeah !!!
But......hehe, some features have been lost on the way I configure them.......so so sorry , I try to recover them when I'm free , dun worry.......
Hope that whoever who installed the chat box last time , help me to install it back, ok?
Anyone who has any problem with the new look and feel , something like missing features or missing button or when click the button it won't work , anything , just tell me and I try to fix it......
In short , i'm sorry for my hands being gatal but chill babe ..... we have a new look now and we can change the look as many times we want with anything from now on.......I will get to that features soon.......stay tune.......
"Beauty comes with a price." - quotes from President of FEI......
Terima Kasih......
Yeah..belanja makan
pemimpin kita sudah berkata,
jangan lah ckp tanpa bersebab,
nanti kita jugak yang bengkak mata..
full confidence akan diberikan,
50 comment tidak tercapai,
arus kepimpinan semakin deras,
Blog FEI tidak akan terkapai kapai..
ade satu request utk president,
duit minyak harga melambung,
harap beliau dapat implement,
supaya tidak habis duit tabung,
cuba la berkorban demi resident,
kalo tidak kepimpinan camne nak di sambung??
semalam makan nasi lemak tidak bersambal,
tertanya tanya di manakah undang undang,
kita semuanya bukan bebal,
letak lah si penjual sambal udang...
kini hari semakin cerah,
angin pun bertiup sepoi sepoi bahasa,
jangan lah cepat marah,
Pemimpin yang berkorban demi agama, nusa dan bangsa...
Janji belanja makan sudah diberikan,
bilakah tarikh nak ditentukan,
wahai kawan kalo x sabar nak makan,
berikan comment secepat sakan....
Thursday, July 3, 2008
George "Semak" and the President of China
George "Semak": "Condoleeza! Nice to see you. What's happening?"
Condoleeza "Nasi": "Sir, I have the report here about the new leader of China."
George: "Great. Lay it on me."
Condoleeza: "'Hu' is the new leader of China."
George: "That's what I want to know."
Condoleeza: "That's what I'm telling you."
George: "That's what I'm asking you. Who is the new leader of China?"
Condoleeza: "Yes."
George: "I mean the fellow's name."
Condoleeza: "Hu."
George: "The guy in China."
Condoleeza: "Hu."
George: "The new leader of China."
Condoleeza: "Hu."
George: "The Chinaman!"
Condoleeza: "Hu is leading China."
George: "Now whaddya' asking me for?"
Condoleeza: "I'm telling you Hu is leading China."
George: "Well, I'm asking you. Who is leading China?"
Condoleeza: "That's the man's name."
George: "That's whose name?"
Condoleeza: "Yes."
George: "Will you or will you not tell me the name of the new leader of China?"
Condoleeza: "Yes, sir."
George: "Yassir? Yassir Arafat is in China? I thought he was in the Middle East."
Condoleeza: "That's correct."
George: "Then who is in China?"
Condoleeza: "Yes, sir."
George: "Yassir is in China?"
Condoleeza: "No, sir."
George: "Then who is?"
Condoleeza: "Yes, sir."
George: "Yassir?"
Condoleeza: "No, sir."
George: "Look, Condoleeza. I need to know the name of the new leader of China. Get me the Secretary General of the U.N. on the phone."
Condoleeza: "Kofi?"
George: "No, thanks."
Condoleeza: "You want Kofi?"
George: "No."
Condoleeza: "You don't want Kofi."
George: "No. But now that you mention it, I could use a glass of milk. And then get me the U.N."
Condoleeza: "Yes, sir."
George: "Not Yassir! The guy at the U.N."
Condoleeza: "Kofi?"
George: "Milk! Will you please make the call?"
Condoleeza: "And call who?"
George: "Who is the guy at the U.N?"
Condoleeza: "Hu is the guy in China."
George: "Will you stay out of China?!"
Condoleeza: "Yes, sir."
George: "And stay out of the Middle East! Just get me the guy at the U.N."
Condoleeza: "Kofi."
George: "All right! With cream and two sugars. Now get on the phone."
Another PUBLIC Service Announcement from BANANA rePUBLIC
In Chinese world, we had our own philosopher.. "The Great Confucius a.k.a. K'ung-fu-tzu.. His teachings have great influenced in the Chinese society..
Therefore, its a duty for Banana Republic to amplified the great philosophy teachings of Confucius.. We had compile a few of our own philosophy teachings.. Pls giv a great thought for it..
Man who wants pretty nurse, must be patient.
Man who leap off cliff jump to conclusion.
Man who love and loses, have not right lawyer.
When lady say `no´ she mean `perhaps´ when she say `perhaps´ she mean `yes´ but when she say `yes´, she not a lady.
Man who run in front of car get tired.
Man who run behind car get exhausted.
When man 60 marry girl 25, like buying book for someone else to read.
Man who pushes piano down mineshaft get A flat miner.
Man with hand in pocket feel cocky all day.
Foolish man give wife grand piano, wise man give wife upright organ.
War doesn't determine who is right, war determines who is left.
Jangan cakap bukan bukan
saya ini tak pernah cakap bukan bukan
kalau sudah janji nak belanja makan
tentu janji akhirnya akan dipegang
saya dalam keadaan yang semakin tertekan
saya bukan suka tipu orang
saya tak pernah janji nak belanja makan
kalau u tekan saya lagi, ku belanja u goreng pisang
investment untuk dapatkan dividend
sebab saya handsem , saya ade confidence
kalau berani , undilah saya "no confidence"
if and only if , u ade evidence
sampai sini saja sajakku ini
sebab saya terasa boss saya sedang mari
kalau tak mau sotong digoreng kari
baik saya stop typing sampai sini
dah terasa pedas cakap sori,
kini ada orang dah lupa diri,
walau hanya dipuji satu KALI..
pergi beli NASI LEMAK di pekan,
dah balik malsa nak mandi,
President FEI janji nak belanja makan,
sampai sekarang tak jadi jadi..
(siapa sokong president belanja makan, harap
letak komen untuk memberi pressure kepada beliau)
kaki kena cucuk paku tekan,
sebab kena kejar kalah judi,
setiap janji kenalah dikotakan,
sebelum kita buat 'no confidence' undi..
President ambik bendera utk disidai,
tetapi berakhir dengan terjumpa hantu,
kini mungkin belanja makan susah tidak memadai,
undi dan nomination jadi penentu..
kini president lari ke negeri sembilan,
setiap orang tertanya tanya,
marilah rakan marilah taulan,
satu undi tentukan segala galanya...
undi akan bermula dengan rasmi bila comment capai 50!!!
A PUBLIC Service Announcement from BANANA rePUBLIC
"Banana" is a term given for chinese who is illiterate in chinese n some cases (doesnt know how 2 speak in chinese = RAJA PISANG)
After years of being called a "banana", I hav revelutionized into a more complete "BANANA".
Recently, I hav found out da importance of knwin chinese. Jus imagine Olympics is cmin dy, n if u duno chinese n u r in China, hw??? Hw r u gona ask for directions to go the stadiums??
Well today, I hav compile a list of chinese words which u can learn in 5 minutes..
That's not right...
Sum Ting Wong
Are you harboring a fugitive?...
Hu Yu Hai Ding?
See me ASAP...
Kum Hia Nao
Stupid Man...
Dum Gai
Small Horse...
Tai Ni Po Ni
Did you go to the beach?...
Wai Yu So Tan?
My knee bumped into a coffee table...
Ai Bang Mai Ni
I think you need a face lift...
Chin Tu Fat
It's very dark in here...
Wai So Dim?
I thought you were on a diet...
Wai Yu Mun Ching?
This is a tow away zone...
No Pah King
Our meeting is scheduled for next week...
Wai Yu Kum Nao?
Staying out of sight...
Lei Ying Lo
He's cleaning his automobile...
Wa Shing Ka
Your body odor is offensive...
Yu Stin Ki Pu
The Story of a Physicist, Biologist & Chemist
The physicist was amazed by the wavrs and jumped into it to learn about the physics of the waves and never came out [died].
Later the biologist jumped into it to do research about the aqualife and never came out [died].
But the chemist just sat by the beach observing the situation and jot down something. What exactly did the chemist wrote down in his notebook???
"The physicist and the biologist are very soluble in water"
Why Women Fart Less ??
Why do women fart less gas than men???
Because women won't shut up long enough to build up pressure!!!!
Anyone with answers to these questions???
Why is it that people say they "sleet like a baby" when babies wake up like every two hours?
If a deaf person has to go to court, is it still called a hearing?
Why are you IN a movie, but you are ON TV?
Why do people pay to go up tall buildings and then put money in binoculars to look at things on the ground?
If a 999 operator has a heart attack, whom does he/she call?
Why is "bra" singular and "panties" plural?
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
A Great Writer
When asked to define "great" he said, "I want to write stuff that the whole world will read, stuff that people will react to on a truly emotional level, stuff that will make them scream, cry, howl in pain and anger!"
He now writes error messages for Microsoft Corp.
sememangnya mengikut apa yg telah saya perhatikan, setakat kini dalam blog ini dibanjiri dengan pelbagai karya yg begitu menarik, kreatif, excellente, menyentuh perasaan (adakah saya membodek di sini?) dsb. namun, saya merasakan bahawa kdg kala kita kena jugak berfikir secara philosofikal, yakni cuba memahami apa yg berlaku di sekeliling kita, dan membuat huraian yg logical dan metafizikal mengenainya. mungkin karya saya nih serba miskin ,kekurangan idea dan langsung tak layak digelar 'karya' tetapi perasaan dalaman saya yg begitu bersifat reformasi tuh memberi dorongan kpd saya utk menghabiskan 'karya' ini.
saban ari saya berpeluang melayar profil frenster kawan saya, saudara wanzul. dia jugak merupakan osmate saya dan utk pengetahuan anda(walaupun anda tidak memerlukannya), saudara wanzul hanya tinggal di sebelah saya sahaja. maka ianya hanya sesuatu yg semula jadi utk saya bersimpati terhadap dia sekiranya dia menerima layanan yg buruk, diherdik atau dimaki hamun(sebagai contohnya).
saya terus memusing butang tetikus sehingga saya menemui sesuatu yg mengejutkan. di bawah kolum 'who I want to meet', saudara wanzul mengatakan bahawa dia ingin bertemu dgn rakan sejurusan yg lebih baik ati. apakah ini bermaksud dlm kursus beliau, mmg tidak ade seseorang yg bersikap baek ati?
sesungguhnya satu perasaan yg marah, sesuatu perasaan yg ingin membela nasib, sesuatu perasaan yg ingin menyepak bola (manusia) tertimbul dlm hati saya. selamanya nih saya mengingatkan bhw ptu merupakan satu institusi di mana rakan 2 sejurusan mengambil berat sesama sendiri. di mana adanya tips, di gtalk la muncul tips2 tersebut. sekiranya tanpa sikap baek hati, mustahilnya tips2 tersebut akan muncul di kaca gtalk masing2. oley yg demikian saya berpendapat bhw besar kemungkinan saudara wanzul terpaksa berdepan dgn segorombolan manusia yg sejuk seperti ais. mungkin dia tidak dilewat tetapi utk berdepan dgn rakan2 sejurusan yg pentingkan diri sendiri, itu satu bentuk penglewatan yg begitu menyakitkan hati.
saya mengujarla tuan2 dan puan2 yg dihormati skalian utk merenung-renungkan situasi yg menimpa saudara wanzul ini. sememangnya betolla kata2 hikmah ini bersatu teguh bercerai roboh. apa salahnya kalo kita bersama2 menuju ke arah kejayaan? selamat malam semo.
Kungfu Panda??
He eats the sandwich, pulls out a gun, and shoots the waiter dead.
As the panda stands up to go, the manager shouts, "Hey! Where are you going? You just shot my waiter and you didn't pay for your sandwich!"
The panda yells back at the manager, "Hey, man, I'm a PANDA! Look it up!"
The manager opens his dictionary and sees the following definition for panda: A tree-dwelling marsupial of Asian origin, characterized by distinct black and white coloring. Eats shoots and leaves.
The Story of 3 Brothers
Lead, Follow, Get Out of the Way?
*s^8 = super suka sangat selalu syiok sendiri sampai siao
Menurut YSB (Yang Senang Bahagia) Tan Sri Tan, "Terdapat 3 sebab tiada calon lain yang ingin bertanding:
1. Pemberontak - lead
Setiap negara memerlukan pembangkang. Dalam FEI, hanya terdapat Courser yang bersifat ingin memberontak, sepertilah Hitler ataupun yang seperti yang tak serik-serik buat sodomi itu. Beliau memilih lead, lead the rebel. Die ingat die hero la tu....
2. Makan Suap - follow
Semua orang telah dimakan dan disuap oleh president iaitu YAXB Feirenhait supaya tidak bertanding merebut kekuasaan beliau. diu... semua orang hanya ingin follow sahaja seperti lalang yang ditiup angin. Bayangkan mulut-mulut member yang mengikut tangan YAXB Farenhait semasa sesi menyuap.
3. FEI - get out of the way
Member tahu jika bertanding sekalipun tidak akan memenangi banyak undi. Kerana member-member parti akan membuang undian FEI(undian yang tak berguna - 废票) Maka ini adalah tindakan get out of the way.
Oleh itu, sila buat pilhan anda yang tepat; lead, follow, get out of the way!!!
Creative thinking for the bored cubicle workers

- when i was cold - i wish the office has this culture of hugging your friend whenever your feel cold in the office. let say, we put a termometer in the centre of the office and when the reading fall below 15 degree celcius , we can go around and start hugging some opposite sex colleagues . i will sure be so happy.....
- when i was cold - i wish that each of the cubicle has one hand dryer just like the one u probably find in the toilet. can warm my hands up, u know, hand and fingers are very important for programmer ......
- when i was hungry- i wish the office has this sushi railroad installed on top of our cubicle wall and run along from one cube to another and goes all the way to Sushi King or Sake Sushi in Queensbay.....Yummy......
- when i was hungry - i saw the cleaner will push a trolly around to empty the dustbin of our cubicles.....i wish it was dim sum seller with her dim sum trolly ........ yummy ..... i might wan "Char siew pau"
- when i was bored- i wish i could just stand up and yell, "Babo lo" , then the whole office will connect to the server and play Babo.
this is so far what i wish when i'm bored in the office just like now........
sampai lah esok tengahari,
hati manusia susah diselami,
president FEI sedang risau siapa yang memahami
maruah kini telah tercalar,
desas desus telah disebar,
pabila kepimpinan dicabar,
president FEI hilang sabar...
kini president fei belajar seni,
supaya dapat mempertahankan diri,
entahla, siapa yang cukup berani,
hinggakan nak berebut kepimpinan dengan president FEI.
Logo president ialah go "SEI"!!
di jauh pun terbau bau,
walaupun president FEI memang 'FEi',
siapa lagi yang se-'FEI' beliau??
minuman kesukaan beliau ialah sarsi,
walaupun lebih suka disusui,
gunakan akal berikan dedikasi,
blog FEI haruslah di perbaharui.
badan beliau juga ada daki..
kadang kala kena maki,
gerakkan tangan gerakkan kaki,
FEI chai semua adalah sekaki!!!
walaupun beliau ialah laki laki,
die catwalk bila disuruh lari,
kini walaupun sudah sekaki,
satu seluar guna sehari,
beliau berkorban hingga tiada baki,
bila mati pun wajah berseri seri...
kasihani la president berikan kereta,
itupun kereta yang kita curi,
itulah president FEI kita,
yang cukup kita segani...
请投Nasi Lemak一票

Nasi Lemak :wei,捐钱啊!!!!
废沦海 :好好好,我捐一百万
Nasi Lemak :一百万,这样少meh!!!,至少1000万啦。。。
废沦海 :好好好,就一千万
Nasi Lemak :我说一千万你就一千万,没有点诚意,加多点
由此可见,我们nasi lemak 的厉害,请投她神圣的一票。。。。。
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
exp: answer the bla bla bla question and state the assumptions, if any..
so, to answer such question, we can use 1 formula to get a full mark.
wanna knw?
easy only..
1st step: u can write down any formula tat u stil remember, no matter is V=IR, a=(v-u)/t,
watever sinx cos y tan z, anything..write it down, and put the magic assumption
: Assume the formula is applicable.
2nd step: do the calculation or watsoever in ur mind, then again, write the magic assumption
:assume the calculation is correct.
last step: write any possible answer tat u think is correct, the write the magic sentences: based
on the assumptions that required by the question,we can conclude tat this answer is
see, how useful is the assumption!!!
pilihan umum
walaubagaimanapun, itu hanya introduction,sekaranglah baru isi-isi yang penting sekali.
seperti yang anda boleh perhatikan, FEI sekali lagi mencapai satu tahap yang lebih tinggi, iaitu terdapat 138 posts dalam blog ini.oleh kerana kita bukan kelab 183, dan "fei" sometimes quite related dengan "38", jadi kita akan adakan pilihan umum bagi post yang paling kreatif and FEI.
Syarat-syarat untuk menyertai pilihan ini
1.post itu semestinya ade seorang penulis dan telah dipostkan dalam F.E.I sebelum 2008/7/1.
2.isinya haruslah sangat fei sampai xboleh fei lagi.
3.isinya perlu 100% original, plagiarism adalah amat tidak digalakkan.
4.perlu register dengan buat post di FEI, tarikh tutup adalah 2008/7/15,lepas kumpul segala cadangan, kita akan ade satu pengundian.
5. HADIAH. ya..hadiah yang amat menarik ditawarkan.top 3 daripada undian umum ini akan diberi peluang untuk melibatkan diri dalam persaing bagi jawatan presiden of F.E.I (sorry la yaxb, bukannye mau rebut makan dengan kamu)
sekian, terima kasih.
berkhidmat untuk fei.
fei fei fei
Minggu Melancong ke Luar Negara
"Saye berase same sekali kite sebagai wargenegare Meleshie patutlah melancong ke luar negare. Ini adalah kerane barang dekat luar negare kini hampir same murah dengan barangan tempatan. Malahan di sesetengah negare obersee, barangnye adalah jauh lebih murah daripade produk kite. Adalah dinasihatkan kepade semue supaye melancong selagi boleh. Kerane kemungkinan kite akan terpakse kais pagi, makan pagi, kais petang,makan petang. Orang Meleshie makan 6 meal, terpakselah kais 6 kali sehari. Penat tu..."
In the program itself, YAXB(Yang Amat Tak Berguna) Dato Seri Freaquency juga menyampaikan hadiah dan hamper bernilai rm5 kepada pemenang peraduan melancong ke luar negara yang paling kerap.
Pemenang tersebut berkata, "Hampeh. rm5 jer hadiahnye. Kurang asam dan hadiah betul..."
YAXB Dato Seri Freaquency juga berkata, "Dengan menggalakkan orang kite melancong ke luar negare, peniage tempatan tidaklah akan terase serbe salah apabile ingin merompak pelancong dengan harge barangan yang tinggi. Besides, ini boleh membantu meningkatkan pendapatan syarikat penerbangan tempatan, terutamanye MAS yang sedang gigih untuk memulihkan situasi kewangannye."
Pada Akhir Program Pelancaran tersebut, YAXB Dato Seri Feirenhait pula menyeru agar orang ramai tidak akan crying over the spilt gold pada masa kelak dan patutlah mnendapatkan tiket penerbangan dengan segera. Tempahan tiket boleh dibuat secara online di www.feiasia.com.my.
beijing 2008
Picture of A Word, 1 Word...
Cold and Hot