Friday, March 21, 2008

废盟子公司正式营业 New Subsidiary of F.E.I. Opened



废党高层决议不效仿友党靠他人捐款过活的举动,并决定在吉隆坡阳光广场(Suria KLCC)开设“高级”服饰店“香蕉共和”,通过服饰零售维持废党运作,进而加强和鸭党抗衡的能力。

“香蕉共和”服饰店于今日下午五时正式开张,并请到废沦海和粥姓董事长主持开幕。身为党主席的废沦海在开幕辞中表示,此服饰店将由对潮流完全没有概念的高层废·死过了(Fei Scholar)进行服装采购,从而通过不参考时下男女究竟穿什么的方针,创造新的时尚。死过了将亲自前往各种不同的地区进行采购,为大家带来最新鲜、最没有人穿过的服饰。目前计划的采购行程包括亚马逊食人族区、百慕达三角区、亚特兰提斯和北极圈。



YAXB Fahrenheit as the Officiator in Banana*Republic grand opening


BERSAMA, 19 MARCH. For further development, Federation of Extreme Idiocy (F.E.I.) has established a boutique as new subsidiary to obtain constant income.

The highest committees of F.E.I. had decided not to follow Democratic UnderGround's (D.U.G. aka Duck Party) policy of depending on other's money for fund raising. Consequently, a new 'classy' boutique named "Banana*Republic" has been opened in Suria KLCC. Profit earned from this subsidiary is expected to increase the competitiveness of F.E.I. against D.U.G.

The grand opening of Banana*Republic was officiated by Yang Amat X Berguna Fahrenheit F. Fei and Porridge CEO at 5 o' clock in the evening. In the opening speech, Fahrenheit mentioned that Fei Scholar, who has no idea of what fashion is, will be the purchase officer of the boutique. New fashion is expected by not referring to what people nowadays wear. Scholar will go to different areas for branding purchasing in order to import the freshest and most 'nobody-worn-before' types of clothes. Currently, the scheduled destination of purchase include cannibal tribe in Amazon, Bermuda Triangle, Atlantis, and Arctic Circle.

In the press conference, YAXB Fahrenheit revealed that Banana*Republic will decrease the cost of clothes from the aspect of logistics in order to be competitive in the market. For now, it planned to work with Air Asia by dumping the goods from sky. When being asked about the additional cost for this method like compensation of those hit by goods and cost of hiring extra 'catchers', YAXB Fahrenheit said that it can only be concluded after the Treasurer of F.E.I. sum up the cost after a 49-day calculation.

On the other hand, Banana*Republic will also seek partnership with FakeRewards in terms of providing bonus points. If customers demand on getting more points, Banana*Republic might consider of increasing the price of clothes to 1000% and above.

* BERSAMA: Berita Samaran Malaysia

1 comment:

Kian said...

wahahahaha, good one , good one